april, 2018
Event Details
Minnesota Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Annual Conference Taste Literacy Tools for Appreciating Nutritious Meals MAND Centennial: A Celebration of Food and Nutrition Please join us for the 2018 Minnesota Academy of Nutrition Annual Meeting, April 18th - 20th, Minneapolis Marriott
Event Details
Minnesota Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Annual Conference
Taste Literacy Tools for Appreciating Nutritious Meals
MAND Centennial: A Celebration of Food and Nutrition Please join us for the 2018 Minnesota Academy of Nutrition Annual Meeting, April 18th - 20th, Minneapolis Marriott Northwest in Brooklyn Park, MN. The power of taste in food selection is well known, but the taste, flavor and texture sensory mechanisms that work together to drive eating behaviors are more mysterious. Eaters often aren’t aware how their taste genetics and learned tasting behaviors combine in ways to create mindless eating, neophobias, poor food intake diversity and limited appreciation of good food. Various taste literacy tools such as taste perception assessments, mindful tasting practices, and taste lexicons can raise awareness of food choice motivations, improve food appreciation and establish new connections to diverse, nutritious foods. Such tools also have implications for writing and creating recipes and menus and writing about food. Contact Michele to learn more. [embed]https://www.eatrightmn.org/annual-meeting/[/embed]Time
All Day (Thursday)